As the name suggests, the cup printing machine is a device for printing plastic cups

date:[2017-08-28]     pk_hits:

The cup printing machine will have various damages in use, which will cause the structural parameters of parts to change. When the damage develops to such an extent that the structural parameters of parts exceed the allowable value, the cup printing machine will have potential faults. As there is a certain margin in the design of the cup printing machine, even if the structural parameters of some parts exceed the allowable value, the functional output parameters of the machine are still within the allowable range, that is, the machine has no functional failure.

As the name suggests, the cup printing machine is a device for printing plastic cups. Poor printing quality will inevitably occur in the printing process. The common printing defects of the multi-color cup printing machine are as follows: plate fouling, reverse printing, water texture, blocking, anti sticking, etc. During the printing process, the ink transfer rate of printing decreases continuously; The ink blocked in the plate cannot be dissolved when production starts again after printing.